As a kid I would spend my recess time wandering around the playground looking for four-leaf clovers. They were challenging to find and I was told that they would bring good luck. Finding a four-leaf clover wasn’t an everyday occurrence, however the hope that I’d find one kept me searching for them. I looked for four-leaf clovers every recess because I was determined to find them. The more time I spent looking, the more four-leaf clovers I found.
Some people may believe that visiting the dental office and leaving without getting “bad news” is as rare as finding a four-leaf clover. Visiting the dental office can be very stressful and scary for many of our patients. Many patients actually believe that they have bad luck when it comes to oral health. You could say these patients are looking for a four-leaf clover and leaving with an ordinary three leafed clover, or sometimes even leaving with a weed.
So, how can a patient ensure that they are leaving our office with lucky four-leaf clover news? The patient has to be dedicated to the search and determined to find what they are looking for. It takes a lot of commitment and an excellent oral hygiene regimen; it is possible to have good luck upon entering our office at every visit! The more time you spend caring for your teeth and gums at home the more “good luck” you will have at your dental exams!
There are four components that we focus on at your dental visits: gum health, tooth structure, the jaw joint, and your body’s overall health. We will investigate each one of these components at your routine visits and provide you with the tools and information to keep bacteria and tooth decay away. The gums are the foundation of your oral health. Healthy gums, without plaque and bacteria lingering below the surface, hug the teeth tightly and keep the teeth rooted into the jaw bone. If teeth begin to decay that decay spreads to the jaw bone. A patient might begin to notice a change in their jaw joint and their bite as a result of missing or shifting teeth. Removing plaque and bacteria prevents decay, cavities, tooth loss, and a disease called dental caries. Healthy, bacteria free teeth and gums keep the mouth and body healthy and make your dental visits a positive experience. We are here to help you find your own good luck the next time you come for a visit!