- Clean between your teeth with floss or gum picks DAILY
- Exercise 30 minutes DAILY
- Get a THOROUGH periodontal assessment by your dentist to rule out gum disease
- Eat more fruits and vegetables. Both are high in ANTIOXIDANTS and good for your heart and your gum tissues.
- Sit LESS, move MORE. Aim to sit less than 11 hours a day.
These 5 tips are talked about a great deal, but sometimes a gentle reminder is helpful. Someone close to me told me earlier this week that he didn’t need to floss because he brushes for 4 minutes at a time. Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. The toothbrush bristles can only reach so far and absolutely cannot reach the spaces in between teeth or down below the gum line. Bacteria that remain in the mouth form colonies and wreak havoc on your periodontal tissues. Cleaning all surfaces every 24 hours is critical to avoid bleeding gums and disease. On top of that, when your gums bleed, bacteria from the mouth are able to enter the bloodstream and affect other organs such as your blood vessels and heart.
For more info, check out this video below and come to our educational chat next Thursday at 6pm at the New Castle Library.