If you have been following our office for a while or you are a patient of record, you’ve likely heard about the oral bacterial tests that we offer and the microscope slides we create to show patients the bacteria in their mouths. Recently, we have been using the BANA-Zyme Test System. The BANA-Zyme Test System is a chairside test that provides rapid, in office results to the patient. We utilize the test when the patient presents with periodontal disease or symptoms of periodontal disease. The test specifically identifies the riskiest members of periodontal biofilms known as Treponema denticola, Porphyromanas gingivalis, and Tannarella forsythus. These three bacteria produce a specific enzyme that will react with the peptide coating the testing strips.
Bana-Zyme Testing lets patients know their risk level immediately and it helps them make a decision about further testing and treatment. A diagnosis of periodontal disease can be overwhelming and terrifying. Many patients are still uncertain what that diagnosis means even after going through treatment, and few patients understand the risk factors that accompany that diagnosis before entering our office.
The microscope slides we create coupled with the Bana-Zyme testing provide answers and a high level of understanding to our patients. Both are tools we can use to look beyond the diagnosis and provide customized treatment and care to our patients.
You can learn more about BANA-Zyme Testing here.