We aim to support the community as much as possible. Over the past few years, we have come to really love some special events and groups in town!

We love…
Cinco de Mayo 5th Street Block Party
In 2018, we hosted the inaugural Cinco de Mayo 5th Street Block Party and we will be doing it again in 2019! With the help of Elk Creek Mining Co., Spirits of New Castle, The Town of New Castle, and the Chamber of Commerce, we hosted an amazing day with drinks, food, pinatas and live music all benefiting The River Center. Please plan to be there again this year!

We love…
New Castle Trails
Dr. Roper and her husband, Raul, are outdoor enthusiasts and are huge

We love…
Burning Mountain Festival
In 2016, we crafted our first float in the Burning Mountain Festival Parade and in 2017 we came back and took 3rd place. In 2018, we continued the tradition and were awarded 2nd place. Our booth in 2017 was themed “Are You Kissable?” and this past year we debuted our new microscope and showed brave participants what the bugs in their mouths looked like. We loved getting to meet and greet so many members of the community. The pressure is on to make the float even better next year! Let’s see what’s in store for 2019!

We love…
Community Education
Dr. Roper and the team have been honored to present at the RiverCenter on 4th Street, New Castle Library and other doctors’ offices about topics such as oral health and complications as we age, the benefits and alternatives to flossing, pre-medication prior to dental procedures after joint surgeries, and airway and sleep issues in children. If you would like Dr. Roper to present to your group, please contact us

We love…
New Castle Running Club
Started in 2017 by NCD’s very own Angela Dunn, the New Castle Running Club has become a weekly staple in the New Castle community. The group meets on Monday evenings at 7pm from Spring to Fall. Men and women of all ages and ability welcome! Check out the Facebook page for updates!

We love…
Garfield County Search and Rescue
Dr. Roper and Raul are members of the Garfield County Search and Rescue team. Private donations from the community help to fund equipment purchases and training opportunities. For an easy way to support this team, please use the following link for your Amazon purchases: